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- Reports | NOVADashboard | Northern Virginia Regional Commission
Demographic, economic, and other data resources and reports published by Northern Virginia Regional Commission. Data Reports and Resources Reports, maps, and charts are best viewed on a desktop or tablet. Fact Sheets Regional Fact Sheets Demographic and Economic Highlights Demographic and economic overview of the region. Last updated: Feb. 7, 2025 Monthly Report Population Change Population change trends before and after the pandemic, including components of change: Domestic migration International migration Births/deaths Last updated: April 5, 2024 Annual Report Reports Regional Reports and Studies Population and Households State of the Region: Shifting Migration Patterns - Affordable Housing Needs Slower population growth has occurred since the COVID-19 pandemic. This report examines the domestic migration volume and patterns underlying this, including the extent to which housing affordability, income, and age of persons are playing a role. Published January 2025. Special Report Economic Economic Tracking Report A report tracking economic indicators, including labor force, employment, unemployment, and industry sectors. Last updated: Feb. 6 2025 Monthly Report Foreign Direct Investment A report on foreign direct investment that uncovers the depths of economic engagement and activity that Northern Virginia has with the world. Published October 31, 2023. Key highlights of the report are listed in a report infographic. A corresponding m ap highligh ts the countries with direct economic co ntri bu tion s in Northern Virginia. Special Report State of the Region: Economic Recovery and Transformation from COVID-19 Pandemic A report on the state of the Northern Virginia region's economic recovery and the transformation from the COVID-19 pandemic. Published July 2022. Special Report Supporting Northern Virginia's Minority Owned Businesses A study on the minority-owned business community, how they were impacted by the pandemic, and recommendations for supporting them th rough the pandemic economic recovery and in the future beyond the pandemic. Published June 2021. Special Report Immigration One Region: Welcoming New Americans to Northern Virginia A study of the economic impact of immigrants to the region. Published March 2020. Special Report One Region: Addendu m A study addendum to the original report that was published in March 2020. This addendum assessed the economic impact of immigrants relevant to the COVID-19 pandemic crisis response. Published October 2020. Special Report
- People Race Overall | Northern Virginia Regional Commission
Northern Virginia population growth, minority-majority transition, foreign born population transformation, and more demographics, data and graphs by region and county. Analyzed by the Northern Virginia Regional Commission (NVRC). Race and Ethnicity Overall Reports, maps, and charts are best viewed on a desktop or tablet. Race and Ethnicity of Northern Virginia Overview A big story of the region is its racial and ethnic diversity and continuing diversification. Northern Virginia's racial and ethnic composition makes it more diverse today than the United State and Virginia and this has been the case for decades. Much of the continued diversification is attributed to the sizable increases in the number of Hispanics, Asians, and multiracial persons in the region. The following charts show the region's population by race and ethnicity, along with analyses of diversity for Northern Virginia and its counties and cities. Upcoming Changes to Categorization of Race/Ethnicity Race/ethnicity data collected by the U.S. Census Bureau is the primary source of race and ethnicity demographics. The U.S. Census Bureau currently collects race and ethnicity data based on the U.S. Office of Management and Budget (OMB) standards from 1997. New race/ethnicity standards were adopted by the Office of Management and Budget on March 28, 2024, the first such adoption since 1997. Changes are coming to how race and ethnicity information will be collected and reported in the United States. Federal agencies, including the U.S. Census Bureau, must implement the new standards into data collections as soon as possible, but no later than March 28, 2029. The U.S. Census Bureau American Community Survey (ACS), a survey conducted annually, will be one of the first U.S. Census Bureau products to implement the new standards. As of July 2024, the U.S. Census Bureau was proposing to begin implementation of data collection in 2026 or 2027 for the ACS products. The 2030 Decennial Census will also reflect the new standards. The new race categories will offer individuals more precise ways to self-identify, especially for people who self-identify as multiracial or multiethnic. This will result in a more accurate representation of the U.S. population's race and ethnic characteristics. Changes will include a single combined question instead of separate race and ethnicity questions. Also, a new "Middle Eastern or North African" category will be added. These changes aim to better reflect the diversity of the American population. These changes will create challenges and implications for our understanding of the population and trends because the data will not be comparable to prior data. These modifications will alter the population size of subgroups. Specifically, the Census Bureau’s 2015 National Content Test results suggest anticipating increases in those identifying as Middle Eastern or North African, Hispanic or Latino, and Black or African American. Conversely, the number of individuals categorized as “white” or "some other race" is projected to decline. The combined race and ethnicity question is also expected to improve response rates for the race component on the decennial census and ACS forms. More information can be found on the U.S. Census Bureau's website . Decennial Census Data The Decennial Census is based on a survey of the entire population. It is conducted once a decade. The 2020 Decennial Census population was released on August 12, 2021. The Decennial Census regional, county, and city population data is shown in the interactive charts that follow. The 2020 Census had improvements to the design of the two separate questions for race and ethnicity, data processing, and coding, which enabled a more thorough and accurate depiction of how people prefer to self-identify. These changes along with actual demographic changes in the population result in the changes seen from 2010 to 2020 in the following data. For more details on the 2020 Census questionnaire changes and its impacts please view the U.S. Census Bureau's technical information . The following charts show the region's population by race and ethnicity, along with analyses of diversity for Northern Virginia and its incorporated towns. People of Hispanic/Latino origin are an ethnic group and may be of any race. To display Hispanic/Latino together with racial groups, it is common to cross-tabulate race and ethnicity to display Hispanic/Latino as a single category and the non-Hispanic race groups as categories that sum to the total population. This means of displaying race and ethnic data has become quite common and for available data, it is the closest categorization c ompared to the new race/ethnicity standards that were adopted by the Office of Management and Budget on March 28, 2024 (for more information see prior section ). With this classification, Hispanic/Latino is treated identically to major race groups and not independently of race. Also, Census Bureau research has shown that this classification is much less impacted by the 2020 Census questionnaire improvements. NVRC has migrated its demographic analysis to the cross-tabulated categories. The following charts, as well as the calculation of diversity, use the cross-tabulated categories.
- Immigration Study Labor Force Overall | Northern Virginia Regional Commission
Immigrant labor force data compiled by the Northern Virginia Regional Commission's as part of the One Region immigration study, Coronavirus (COVID-19) immigration study, and data dashboard to assess the economic impact of immigrants in Northern Virginia. Labor Force - Overall Reports, maps, and charts are best viewed on a desktop or tablet. Key Facts Labor Force - Overall Northern Virginia’s immigrant population is well-suited to maintaining and expanding the region’s labor force In Northern Virginia, immigrant entrepreneurs – those who work for their own businesses, incorporated or not – are making their mark locally. 2013 to 2017 Period Key Facts: In Northern Virginia, less than two-thirds, or 61.6 percent of the U.S.-born population are of working age — between 16 and 64 years old — the range considered to be working age by the Department of Labor. Meanwhile, more than four out of five, or 83.9 percent of the immigrant population in the region are of working age. While immigrants make up 27.4 percent of the overall population, they make up 34.0 percent of the region’s working-age population. Northern Virginia has a high percentage of immigrants, 31.8 percent, working in STEM industries compared to 22.8 percent of immigrants overall in the United States. What are the top 3 industry sectors of the U.S. Born labor force? What are the top 3 industry sectors of the U.S. Born labor force? Source: 2013-2017 American Community Survey, 5-Year Sample, downloaded from IPUMS USA, University of Minnesota, www.ipums.org . 1. Professional Services (25.4%) 2. Administration (14.7%) 3. Education ( 9.6%) What are the top 3 industry sectors of the Foreign Born labor force? What are the top 3 industry sectors of the Foreign Born labor force? 1. Professional Services (20.7%) 2. Entertainment, Arts, and Hospitality (12.1%) 3. Construction (10.8%) Source: NAE analysis of the 2013-2017 American Community Survey,5-Year Sample, downloaded from IPUMS USA, University of Minnesota, www.ipums.org ; ITEP, “Who Pays?”; Congressional Budget Office; U.S. Social Security Administration.
- People Race of Towns | Northern Virginia Regional Commission
Northern Virginia town population growth, minority-majority transition, foreign born population transformation, and more demographics, data and graphs. Analyzed by the Northern Virginia Regional Commission (NVRC). Race and Ethnicity of Towns Reports, maps, and charts are best viewed on a desktop or tablet. Race and Ethnicity of Towns Overview A big story of the region is its diversification and majority-minority transition. There will soon be a day when the majority of people will belong to a minority group (any group other than non-Hispanic White alone). Much of this is attributed to the sizable increases in the number of Hispanics, Asians, and multiracial persons in the region. The following charts show the region's population by race and ethnicity, along with analyses of diversity for Northern Virginia and its incorporated towns. Upcoming Changes to Categorization of Race/Ethnicity Race/ethnicity data collected by the U.S. Census Bureau is the primary source of race and ethnicity demographics. The U.S. Census Bureau currently collects race and ethnicity data based on the U.S. Office of Management and Budget (OMB) standards from 1997. New race/ethnicity standards were adopted by the Office of Management and Budget on March 28, 2024, the first such adoption since 1997. Changes are coming to how race and ethnicity information will be collected and reported in the United States. Federal agencies, including the U.S. Census Bureau, must implement the new standards into data collections as soon as possible, but no later than March 28, 2029. The U.S. Census Bureau American Community Survey (ACS), a survey conducted annually, will be one of the first U.S. Census Bureau products to implement the new standards. As of July 2024, the U.S. Census Bureau was proposing to begin implementation of data collection in 2026 or 2027 for the ACS products. The 2030 Decennial Census will also reflect the new standards. The new race categories will offer individuals more precise ways to self-identify, especially for people who self-identify as multiracial or multiethnic. This will result in a more accurate representation of the U.S. population's race and ethnic characteristics. Changes will include a single combined question instead of separate race and ethnicity questions. Also, a new "Middle Eastern or North African" category will be added. These changes aim to better reflect the diversity of the American population. These changes will create challenges and implications for our understanding of the population and trends because the data will not be comparable to prior data. These modifications will alter the population size of subgroups. Specifically, the Census Bureau’s 2015 National Content Test results suggest anticipating increases in those identifying as Middle Eastern or North African, Hispanic or Latino, and Black or African American. Conversely, the number of individuals categorized as “white” or "some other race" is projected to decline. The combined race and ethnicity question is also expected to improve response rates for the race component on the decennial census and ACS forms. More information can be found on the U.S. Census Bureau's website . Decennial Census Data The Decennial Census is based on a survey of the entire population. It is conducted once a decade. The 2020 Decennial Census population was released on August 12, 2021. The Decennial Census regional, county, and city population data is shown in the interactive charts that follow. The 2020 Census had improvements to the design of the two separate questions for race and ethnicity, data processing, and coding, which enabled a more thorough and accurate depiction of how people prefer to self-identify. These changes along with actual demographic changes in the population result in the changes seen from 2010 to 2020 in the following data. For more details on the 2020 Census questionnaire changes and its impacts please view the U.S. Census Bureau's technical information . The following charts show the region's population by race and ethnicity, along with analyses of diversity for Northern Virginia and its incorporated towns. People of Hispanic/Latino origin are an ethnic group and may be of any race. To display Hispanic/Latino together with racial groups, it is common to cross-tabulate race and ethnicity to display Hispanic/Latino as a single category and the non-Hispanic race groups as categories that sum to the total population. This means of displaying race and ethnic data has become quite common and for available data, it is the closest categorization c ompared to the new race/ethnicity standards that were adopted by the Office of Management and Budget on March 28, 2024 (for more information see prior section ). With this classification, Hispanic/Latino is treated identically to major race groups and not independently of race. Also, Census Bureau research has shown that this classification is much less impacted by the 2020 Census questionnaire improvements. NVRC has migrated its demographic analysis to the cross-tabulated categories. The following charts, as well as the calculation of diversity, use the cross-tabulated categories.
- People Population of Towns | Northern Virginia Regional Commission
Northern Virginia town population growth, minority-majority transition, foreign born population transformation, and more demographics, data and graphs. Analyzed by the Northern Virginia Regional Commission (NVRC). Population of Towns Reports, maps, and charts are best viewed on a desktop or tablet. Population of Towns Overview Northern Virginia is on the front lines of a demographic transformation shaping the United States. There has been an extraordinary amount of population growth in Northern Virginia, some of it being in incorporated towns. The town of Purcellville has nearly tripled in size since 2000. The town of Lovettsville has more than tripled in size since 2000. The towns of Leesburg and Haymarket have populations that have nearly doubled since 2000. Annual Estimates/Trends Decennial Census/Trends Annual Pop Towns Annual Estimates Data Annual estimates of population paint a portrait of the annual growth patterns in the towns of Northern Virginia. Annual estimates are not based on a full census of the population. Rather they are estimates based on a compilation of multiple administrative data pieces such as birth records and residential building permits. Deccenial Pop Towns Decennial Census Data The Decennial Census is based on a survey of the entire population. It is conducted once a decade. The 2020 Decennial Census population was release on August 12, 2021. The Decennial Census town population data is shown in the interactive charts that follow.
- Economics Median Household of Towns | Northern Virginia Regional Commission
Northern Virginia town income, economically disadvantage populations, and more demographics, data and graphs. Analyzed by the Northern Virginia Regional Commission (NVRC). Median Household Income of Towns Reports, maps, and charts are best viewed on a desktop or tablet. Median Household Income of Towns Northern Virginia is known for having communities with some of the highest median incomes in the United States, including the county with the highest in the nation. High median household incomes coincide with the large, thriving business community of the Northern Virginia region. While the median household income is high, it must be recognized that there are segments of the community in need of assistance that live in this prosperous region of the country and that high housing costs offset the high income when it comes to standards of living and well-being. Median Household Income - Current The median household income of the counties, cities, and incorporated towns in Northern Virginia is shown in this graph. Loudoun County is the number one ranked county (county equivalent) for median household income in the nation. The towns of Vienna and Clifton have estimated median household incomes even greater than Loudoun County. All Northern Virginia counties, cities and town, have a median household income higher than Virginia and the USA, except for the Towns of Dumfries and Quantico which are lower. Median Household Income - Historic Compared to Current Note, the American Community Survey is a survey with a small sample size. Due to the small population of many towns, the median household income of towns for should be used with caution and the margin of error of the median household income should be taken into consideration. If there is a large increase or decrease in the estimate from one time period to the next, and the margin of error is large and overlaps other periods, then the large change between time periods is likely due to statistical sampling error and the data should be used with caution. The margin of error is shown in the popup that is displayed when hovering over a bar in the bar charts. In addition to the margin of error, the accuracy of the American Community Survey data for an area can be gaged by evaluating the trend. If the data does not have a clear trend, and the margin of error is large and overlaps other periods, then the large change between time periods is likely due to statistical sampling error and the data should be used with caution.
- Accessibility Statement | Northern Virginia Regional Commission
Accessibility Statement Overview Date of last revision: 03/04/21 The Northern Virginia Regional Commission strives to ensure that its services are accessible to people with disabilities and has invested resources to help provide an easy-to-use experience for all visitors to our website, novaregiondashboard.com, regardless of the type of device used and whether a visitor uses assistive technology like a screen reader, font magnification, translation or voice recognition software. The Northern Virginia Regional Commission uses the UserWay Website Accessibility Widget powered by a dedicated accessibility server to improve its compliance with the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG 2.1). The Northern Virginia Regional Commission accessibility menu can be enabled by clicking the accessibility menu icon that appears on the corner of the page. After triggering the accessibility menu, please wait a moment for the accessibility menu to load. The Northern Virginia Regional Commission is committed to constantly improving the accessibility of its site. Despite efforts to make all pages and content on NOVA Region Dashboard fully accessible, some content may not have yet been adapted to the strictest accessibility standards as we identify appropriate technological solutions. If you are having trouble accessing content on NOVA Region Dashboard or require assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us . Browser Accessibility Information Many popular browsers contain built-in accessibility tools. Internet Explorer Accessibility Information Firefox Accessibility Information Chrome Accessibility Information Additional Plug-ins Adobe Reader is required to view and print PDF documents that appear on this website. To download this program for free, visit the Adobe website . To read PDF documents with a screen reader, please visit the Adobe Reader Accessibility website which provides useful tools and resources.
- People Foreign Born of Towns | Northern Virginia Regional Commission
Northern Virginia town population growth, minority-majority transition, foreign born population transformation, and more demographics, data and graphs. Analyzed by the Northern Virginia Regional Commission (NVRC). Foreign Born and Immigrants of Towns Reports, maps, and charts are best viewed on a desktop or tablet. Foreign Born and Immigrant Population of Towns Overview The Washington, D.C. metropolitan area is one of the most diverse in the country when taking into consideration the minority and foreign born (immigrant) population make-up. Northern Virginia contains a sizable amount of the metropolitan area's diverse population. The foreign born or immigrant population is transforming the region and many of it's towns. Note, the terms foreign born and immigrant are used interchangeably throughout the NOVA Region Dashboard. It is immigration that has been driving many of the major demographic trends in the region, including: School enrollment changes Sizable increases in the number of Hispanics and Asians Population and labor force growth About the Data and Proper Data Interpretation Foreign born population data is sourced from the U.S. Census Bureau 2000 Census and the American Community Survey. All of the incorporated towns in Northern Virginia have a population of less than 65,000 persons. One-year ACS estimates do not exist for incorporated places with a population of less than 65,000. All incorporated towns and places in the United States are included in the five-year ACS estimates. It is important to note that any data sourced from the ACS is based on a small sample of the population of a place. The ACS estimates for places with smaller populations such as Clifton, Dumfries, Hamilton, Haymarket, Hillsboro, Lovettsville, Middleburg, and Quantico can be unreliable if the margin of error is large. The margin of error is shown in the popup that is displayed when hovering over a bar in the bar charts. If there is a large increase or decrease in the estimate from one time period to the next, and the margin of error is large and overlaps other periods, then the large change between time periods is likely due to statistical sampling error and is not considered statistically significant. In addition to the margin of error, the accuracy of the American Community Survey data for an area can be gaged by evaluating the trend. If the data has a clear trend then the data from one period to the next can be deemed reliable. Foreign Born Population - Current Foreign Born Population Share - Current The region's highest ranked county/city is Manassas Park City, ranking 7th in the nation at 36.6%. The town of Herndon has a foreign born population share of 44.0% which is estimated to be higher than the City of Manassas Park, however the town is not statistically different from the city due to the margins of error. Towns that are estimated to have lower foreign born population shares than the Commonwealth of Virginia are all located within rural Loudoun County (Lovettsville, Purcellville, Hamilton, Middleburg, Round Hill), except for Clifton which is located in rural Fairfax County. Note, the town of Hillsboro's 2019-2023 estimate is considered to be highly unreliable due to the large margin of error, its large increase from prior five-year periods, and its rural setting in Loudoun County. Foreign Born Population - Historic Compared to Current Foreign Born Population Share - Historic Compared to Current Immigration has been driving many of the major demographic trends in the region. The foreign born population is transforming the region. Northern Virginia's population was 21.4% foreign born in 2000 and has risen to 28.0% currently. Large transformations since 2000 have occurred in the towns of Dumfries, Haymarket, Leesburg, Lovettsville, Occoquan, Purcellville, and Quantico. All of these incorporated towns are located in the outer-core, which is where the majority of the region's growth has occurred. Note, the American Community Survey is a survey with a small sample size. Due to the small size of many Northern Virginia towns and small sample size of the survey, the median household income of towns should be used with caution and the margin of error of the median household income should be taken into consideration. If there is a large increase or decrease in the estimate from one time period to the next, and the margin of error is large and overlaps other periods, then the large change between time periods is likely due to statistical sampling error and the data should be used with caution. The margin of error is shown in the popup that is displayed when hovering over a bar in the bar charts. In addition to the margin of error, the accuracy of the American Community Survey data for an area can be gaged by evaluating the trend. If the data does not have a clear trend, and the margin of error is large and overlaps other periods, then the large change between time periods is likely due to statistical sampling error and the data should be used with caution.
- Economics of Towns | Northern Virginia Regional Commission
Northern Virginia town income, economically disadvantage populations, and more demographics, data and graphs. Analyzed by the Northern Virginia Regional Commission (NVRC). Economics of Towns Economics of Towns Data There are 14 incorporated towns in Northern Virginia. For comparative purposes, Northern Virginia counties and cities, Commonwealth of Virginia, and United States data are provided in the graphs. About the Data and Proper Data Interpretation The economic data of incorporated towns is sourced from the 2000 Census and the American Community Survey (ACS). All of the incorporated towns in N orthern Virginia have a population of less than 65,000 persons. One-year ACS estimates do not exist for incorporated places with a population of less than 65,000. All incorporated towns and places in the United States are included in the five-year ACS estimates. It is important to note that any data sourced from the ACS is based on a small sample of the population of a place. The ACS estimates for places with smaller populations such as Clifton, Dumfries, Hamilton, Haymarket, Hillsboro, Lovettsville, Middleburg, and Quantico can be unreliable if the margin of error is large. A town's margin of area for an ACS data piece can be found by hovering over the town's data in a graph. If there is a large increase or decrease in the estimate from one time period to the next, and the margin of error is large and overlaps other periods, then the large change between time periods is likely due to statistical sampling error and is not considered statistically significant. In addition to the margin of error, the accuracy of the American Community Survey data for an area can be gaged by evaluating the trend. If the data has a clear trend then the data from one period to the next can be deemed reliable. Only data variables that are deemed relatively reliable have data provided at the town level. For instance, poverty data is unreliable for many towns in Northern Virginia so that data is not being provided. Median Household Income
- Coronavirus (COVID-19) Case Demographics | Northern Virginia Regional Commission
Coronavirus Demographics Reports, maps, and charts are best viewed on a desktop or tablet. Cases and Vaccine Demographics VDH maintains a dashboard on case demographics. View VDH's Case and Vaccine Demographics Dashboards .
- Coronavirus (COVID-19) Economic Impact | Northern Virginia Regional Commission
Economic Impact of Coronavirus Reports, maps, and charts are best viewed on a desktop or tablet. Unemployment and Labor Force Information on the economic impact and recovery from the coronavirus pandemic in Northern Virginia are found in the Economic Tracking Report. The tracking document includes data and trends on the labor force and unemployment. The report is updated following the monthly release of the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), Local Area Unemployment Statistics . Economic Tracking Report Click on image for document Latest Version released: May 31, 2024 Updates will occur within 3 business days after the following BLS scheduled release dates: July 3, 2024 (May 2024 data) July 30, 2024 (June 2024 data) August 28, 2024 (July 2024 data) October 2, 2024 (Aug. 2024 data) State of the Region: Economic Recovery and Transformation from COVID-19 Pandemic Information on the state of the Northern Virginia region's economic recovery and the transformation from the coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic is found in the State of the Region July 2022 report. As society eases back to normalcy, people have been returning to the labor force, but – despite many people returning to the labor force and new entrants to the Northern Virginia labor force – there are currently not enough workers to meet the labor force demands across various industries in the region. The region’s labor force is significantly down from February 2020, there are a high number of job postings, and there is a low unemployment rate. The economic effect of the COVID-19 pandemic and the economic recovery has been uneven across industries and demographic groups in Northern Virginia. Understanding why the Northern Virginia region’s labor force has declined, why those people in Northern Virginia who left the labor force during the pandemic are not returning in full, and how to overcome a shortage of labor is critical to fostering an economy and community where residents and businesses can thrive. This report provides detailed information on these factors. Click on image for report Minority-Owned Businesses Minority-owned businesses have experienced heightened risk associated with the COVID-19 pandemic. The COVID-19 pandemic has had a complex effect on the region’s local economy and on the wellbeing of its minority-owned businesses. Northern Virginia is home to 128,000 minority-owned businesses, representing the community’s diverse fabric and entrepreneurship. The report on Supporting Northern Virginia's Minority-Owned Businesses was released on June 23, 2021. The report contains detailed information on the minority-owned business community, how they were impacted by the pandemic, and recommendations for supporting them through the pandemic economic recovery and in the future beyond the pandemic. The Northern Virginia Minority-Owned Working Group present this report. The group is composed of members from the Northern Virginia Regional Commission, the Community Foundation for Northern Virginia, the Fairfax County Economic Development Authority, the Loudoun County Department of Economic Development, the Prince William County Department of Economic Development, Arlington Economic Development, and the Alexandria Economic Development Partnership. A report release webinar event was hosted on June 23, 2021 to highlight the report findings. The event also included other presentations, a fire side chat with leaders from across the region, and testimonies from minority business owners. For the video recording and details on the event see the NVRC demographic webinar series website . Report: The report provides a Northern Virginia level of analysis on minority-owned businesses. Data Dashboard: The dashboard provides a summary of the report findings, interactive data charts, and more detailed information than that found in the report, including jurisdiction level data. The dashboard will be updated on a quarterly basis by the Northern Virginia Regional Commission. Timeline of updates are found on the data dashboard. View Report and Data Dashboard Latest version released: June 8, 2022 Paycheck Protection Program Small Business Loans Small businesses have been hard hit by the COVID-19 pandemic. The Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) was a small business loan program enacted by Congress for relief from the COVID-19 pandemic's economic fallout. Loans were distributed from April 3, 2020 through August 8, 2020. Nationally it provided $525 billion in forgivable loans for firms to cover payroll and some operational costs. The PPP Loans Dashboard contains a report summarizing how Northern Virginia businesses, localities, and industries fared with the loan program. The analysis utilizes the PPP loan database released on December 2, 2020 by the Small Business Administration. Click on image to go to dashboard
- Coronavirus (COVID-19) | Northern Virginia Regional Commission
Coronavirus Data and Maps Northern Virginia maps, charts, and summary data about the coronavirus and its impact on the region are provided. These were created as a service to share Virginia statewide and regional data and maps to assist government and non-government entities to track Northern Virginia's pandemic conditions and to identify areas that may be most affected by the coronavirus pandemic and may need support. Information includes: Cases and vaccination data. Testing data is no longer published on this dashboard. The testing dashboard was retired on January 12, 2023. For information on why it was retired please see the testing webpage. Cases and vaccinations by demographic groups. Story maps and dashboards, with Interactive mapping applications and demographics on vulnerable populations in the region and statewide are provided down to the census tract. Cases Testing Vaccine Demographics Economic Impact Vulnerable Populations